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hyoga.open.bootstrap(crs, bounds, bedrock='gebco', resolution=1000.0)#

Open bootstrapping data from online datasets for PISM.

  • crs (str) – Coordinate reference system for the resulting dataset as OGC WKT or Proj.4 string, will be passed to Dataset.rio.reproject.

  • bounds ((west, south, east, north)) – Extent for the resulting dataset in projected coordinates given by crs, will be passed to Dataset.rio.clip_box.

  • bedrock ('chelsa' or 'gebco', optional) – Bedrock altitude data source, default to ‘gebco’: - ‘chelsa’: global 1-arc-second CHELSA input DEM from GMTED2010. - ‘gebco’: global 15-arc-second elevation data from GEBCO.

  • resolution (float, optional) – Resolution for the output dataset in projected coordinates given by crs, will be passed to Dataset.rio.reproject.


ds (Dataset) – The resulting dataset containing surface variables with the requested crs, bounds, and resolution. Use ds.to_netcdf() to export as PISM bootstrapping file.


Any grid_mapping variable in the source data will be renamed to ‘spatial_ref’ to avoid returning a dataset with multiple grid mappings.