Datasets - ds.hyoga
Hyoga adds functionality to manipulate and visualize xarray.Dataset
objects using a special .hyoga
attribute called dataset accessor. These
methods are available on any xarray dataset after running import hyoga
Assign new variables by standard_name. |
Assign an ice mask corresponding to glacierized area. |
Compute bedrock isostatic adjustment using a separate file. |
Get a variable by conventional standard name. |
Interpolate onto higher resolution topography for visualization. |
Interpolate onto coordinates along a profile. |
Filter glacier (non-bedrock) variables according to a condition. |
Filter glacier (non-bedrock) variables using existing ice mask. |
Filter glacier (non-bedrock) variables using a thickness threshold. |
Plotting datasets#
Plot bedrock topography and shoreline. |
Plot bedrock topography filled countours. |
Plot bedrock altitude multidirectional hillshade. |
Plot bedrock shoreline contour. |
Plot erosion rate based on basal velocity. |
Plot bedrock deformation contours and locate minumum. |
Plot ice margin line and/or filled contour |
Plot minor and major surface topography contours. |
Plot surface altitude multidirectional hillshade. |
Plot surface velocity map. |
Plot surface velocity streamlines. |
Plotting vectors#
Plot Natural Earth data in dataset projection. |
Plot Last Glacial Maximum paleoglacier extent. |
Plotting decorations#
Add a horizontal bar with a text label showing map scale. |