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hyoga.open.atmosphere(crs, bounds, temperature='chelsa', precipitation=None, resolution=1000.0)#

Open atmospheric data from online datasets for PISM.

Currently a single dataset (CHELSA) is supported.

  • crs (str) – Coordinate reference system for the resulting dataset as OGC WKT or Proj.4 string, will be passed to Dataset.rio.reproject.

  • bounds ((west, south, east, north)) – Extent for the resulting dataset in projected coordinates given by crs, will be passed to Dataset.rio.clip_box.

  • precipitation ('chelsa' or 'cw5e5', optional) – Precipitation rate data source, default to same as temperature.

  • temperature ('chelsa' or 'cw5e5', optional) – Near-surface air temperature data source, default to ‘chelsa’.

  • resolution (float, optional) – Resolution for the output dataset in projected coordinates given by crs, will be passed to Dataset.rio.reproject.


ds (Dataset) – The resulting dataset containing surface variables with the requested crs, bounds, and resolution. Use ds.to_netcdf() to export as PISM bootstrapping file.


The calendar is set to ‘noleap’. The 365-day year is divided into twelve unequal months, including a 28-day February month. This the default calendar in PISM. Other calendars could be added in future versions.

To avoid ambiguity, time units are set to ‘days’. A Udunits ‘year’ is always 365.242198781 days, not a calendar year. A Udunits ‘month’ is one twelfth of that, not a calendar month. In addition, Python’s cftime (and thus xarray) does not understand the unit ‘365 days’.

Similarly, precipitation rates are converted to daily. According to CHELSA docs monthly climatologies “represent averages for the calendar month”. The 1981–2010 period contains 6 leap years over 30 years, so the average February lasts 28.2 days. Due to the no-leap calendar, February precipitations are condensed over a slightly shorter period of 28 days, which overestimates daily rates. However, the total amount is unaffected.

Any grid_mapping variable in the source data will be renamed to ‘spatial_ref’ to avoid returning a dataset with multiple grid mappings.